Millenium (May 2022)

Clinical supervision of the nurse in the community to promote quality of care provided by the caregiver

  • Márcia Coelho,
  • Inês Esteves,
  • Mauro Mota,
  • Márcia Pestana-Santos,
  • Margarida Reis Santos,
  • Regina Pires

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 18


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Introduction: Caregivers do not usually have the knowledge and skills to provide care. Nurses have a decisive role in the quality of care and people's health outcomes. Clinical supervision of nurses is a strategic and formal process that requires a cohesive supervisory relationship. Objective: To map the supervisory strategies used by nurses in the community to promote the quality of care provided by caregivers. Methods: This review will follow the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines for scoping reviews and will include studies about nurses who have implemented clinical supervision strategies to promote the quality of care provided by caregivers in the community. Published and unpublished studies written in english, portuguese or spanish since 1993 will be considered. Study selection will be carried out by two independent reviewers, using a third reviewer in case of disagreement. The search results, study selection and inclusion process will be presented in a PRISMA flowchart for Scoping Reviews. Data extraction, analysis of evidence and results about the extent and type of evidence will be presented in a tabular form. Results: The previous bibliographic research allowed the identification of some supervisory strategies implemented by nurses to promote the quality of care provided by the caregiver. Conclusion: This review will contribute to identify supervisory strategies used by nurses to promote the quality of care provided by caregivers.
