Journal of Education and Health Promotion (Jan 2022)
Learning out of the box: Fostering intellectual curiosity and learning skills among the medical students through gamification
BACKGROUND: Gamification involving application of elements of game play that provides unique opportunities to learners to sail through complex medical concepts is gaining importance in medical education. The current study was aimed at assessing the perception of medical students regarding checkerboard game in enhancing learning process. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present prospective cross-sectional study was conducted at the microbiology department. The fifth-year medical students of the academic year 2018–19 were the participants. Pre- and post-test scores and self-administered questionnaire regarding effectiveness of the checkerboard game-based learning were used as assessing tools. The data were collected, tabulated, and statistically analyzed using SPSS version 20. The pre- and post-test scores of students were statistically analyzed using paired t test. A descriptive analysis on the 3-point Likert scale of effectiveness survey was measured and expressed in percentages. RESULTS: In total, 124 fifth-year medical students participated in the study. Majority (89.5%) of them liked the game, nearly 86% opined that game was enjoyable and created interest. Approximately 88% indicated game helped them to understand the topic, enhanced learning, and thus improved the knowledge. Most students (79%) also believed that game encouraged critical thinking and problem solving, while 75% felt that it improved their communication skills. Around 70% felt that game was also useful for exam preparation and nearly 90% recommended to use the game more frequently. CONCLUSION: From the results of the study, it can be concluded that checkerboard game-based learning method is effective in fostering learning process and cognition of medical students in the microbiology course.