Historie - Otázky - Problémy (Jun 2016)

Od monarchie k republike: Symbolické utváranie verejného priestoru a „nových“ identít na príklade Banskej Bystrice (1918–1922) / From empire to republic: symbolic formation of public space and "new" identities citing the example of Banská Bystrica (1918-1922)

  • Alica Kurhajcová

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1
pp. 33 – 50


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This article explores the issue of symbolic disposition of public space of Banská Bystrica in 1918–1922, describes the representations of the town created by the contemporary press, the attitudes of the local elites towards the constitutional changes, and finally the real and symbolic takeover by the army and the authorities.
