African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure (May 2017)

Health consciousness through wellness tourism: a new dimension to new age travelers’.

  • Sanjay Karn,
  • Prof. Sampada Kumar Swain

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 3


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Health is multidimensional concept. There are various factors which interplay with, and which affect health at different levels, be it on the human body and soul, be it in bacteria on the micro level, or socioeconomic status at the macro level. With burgeoning stress levels, chronic diseases globally paves the way for a growing consumer awareness that has a dramatic impact on individuals desirous of a healthy and wholesome lifestyle. Health-conscious individuals become more involved in seeking healthier behavioral dimensions in order to improve their general health, but these are mostly in striving for material possessions and higher status. In the process, social inevitably comes to the fore and realities hit home harshly. People are invariably always seeking new ways of relaxation and ways in which to rejuvenate themselves physically and emotionally. Wellness tourism is a comparatively a new trend that is booming. This is not surprising given that the WHO has been assertive in promoting a cohesive notion of wellbeing. In addition, people are more cognizant of the fact that they need to care for themselves more. Equating health with wellness and ignoring mental, psychological and social aspects, is a narrow view of individual well-being. The article explores the potential relationship of health onsciousness and wellness as a whole. The objective is to aid people to figure out the bigger idea behind driving for a healthy sense of being and feeling vibrantly alive. The research suggests a new way towards universal and perennial concerns for wellness of individuals and groups of people and indeed for the well-being of the whole of mankind, through the growing trend of wellness tourism.
