Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Mar 2015)
ДОЦІЛЬНІСТЬ ТА ЕФЕКТИВНІСТЬ ВИКОРИСТАННЯ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ МЕРЕЖ В НАВЧАЛЬНОМУ ПРОЦЕСІ / Expediency and efficiency of social networks in educational process
Проняев Дмитрий, Кашперук-Карпюк Инна, Анистратенко Антонина. Целесообразность и эффективность использования социальных сетей в учебном процессе В статье рассмотрены условия и методы использования социальных сетей, обоснованы перспективы и проблемы широкого их использования студентами, проведен анализ влияния интернет- ресурсов на формирование персональной учебной среды студента с позиций комплексного сочетания с дистанционным учебным процессом.Ключевые слова: социальные сети, дистанционное обучение, e-learning, студенты, учебный процесс, профессиональная коммуникация.Dmytro Proniaiev, Inna Kashperuk- Karpiuk, Antonina Anistratenko. EXPEDIENCY AND EFFICIENCY OF SOCIAL NETWORKS IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Considering experience of using public networks in educationhas positive psychological, social and pedagogical arguments. But also, it is difficult to underestimate the systems of distance learning which are characterized by: 1) modularity of the structure of educational programs (educational material sare divided into modules containing the objects of a various nature – text, graphic, image, audio, animation, video etc., as a rule, they are stored in data base and are available depending on the requirements of subjects involved in the process of learning, individualization of education is the result of such an approach – students receive only necessary information acquiring knowledge in a desired rate); 2) teacher’s role: a teacher coordinates educational-cognitive process, corrects the course he teaches, guides educational projects, checks current tasks, give consultations in making individual educational plan, coordinates the work of educational groups of mutual support; 3) specialized forms to control the quality of educational achievements: traditional forms to control the quality of education and distance ones (interview, practical, course and projects, externship, work in the medium of computer intellectual testing systems); 4) expert on-line help: teachers or experts (instructors of the course) are available in the network to conduct consultations, give answers to questions, organize discussions; 5) possibilities for cooperation: by means of appropriate software there is an opportunity to organize on-line conferences, mutual work on the students’ project. Modern conditions of teaching at higher medical educational establishments require continuous work and abilities to combine classical forms of teaching with new approaches to education. With appearance of up-to-date information technologies and technical aid classical traditional dorms of teaching should not be forgotten, which in its turn, will ensure to master a maximal level of educational material. In case the system includes only the use of electron technologies of education the following problems may occur: 1. Difficulty to make quick changes in case the education has already started. 2. Necessity to form additional motivation of learners which is conducted with the use of technologies of electron education as compared to other forms of education. 3. Necessity of high investments while organizing the medium of electron education. 4. High dependence on technical infrastructure. Disorders in the infrastructure can lead to decreased efficacy or complete disruption of education. 5. Absence of an adequate number of professsionals in the sphere of electron education technologies. 6. High investments and making changes in educational content. Key words: public networks, distance learning, e-learning, students, educational process, professional communication.