Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria (Dec 2015)

Funkcja motywu miłości w kształtowaniu onirycznego obrazu okupacji w twórczości Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego i Tadeusza Borowskiego

  • Marta Dziedzicka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15


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The theme of love and its function in creation oneiric portrayal of occupation in K. K. Baczyński's and T. Borowski's works The aim of the article is to show, by collating, that in particular works of Tadeusz Borowski and Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński appears coterminous depiction of the occupation world. Love in both authors’ works creates oneiric reality in which the cruelty is relegate to a secondary priority. Love encloses the world of the characters to “outside the windows” and “now and here”. In both autors’ works also come similar awakening, which ends oneiric creation. Parallel of Borowski’s “Farewell to Maria” (“Pożegnanie z Marią”) and Baczyński’s some erotic poems is to point out that similarities and prove the right of that thesis. Key words: war; occupation; Baczyński; Borowski; love; oneiric;
