Universe (Dec 2024)
Using the Difference of the Inclinations of a Pair of Counter-Orbiting Satellites to Measure the Lense–Thirring Effect
Let two test particles A and B, revolving about a spinning primary along ideally identical orbits in opposite directions, be considered. From the general expressions of the precessions of the orbital inclination induced by the post-Newtonian gravitomagnetic and Newtonian quadrupolar fields of the central object, it turns out that the Lense–Thirring inclination rates of A and B are equal and opposite, while the Newtonian ones oblateness are identical, due to the primary’s oblateness. Thus, the differences in the inclination shifts of the two orbiters would allow, in principle, for the classical effects to be cancelled out by enhancing the general relativistic ones. The conditions affecting the orbital configurations that must be satisfied for this to occur and possible observable consequences regarding the Earth are investigated. In particular, a scenario involving two spacecraft in polar orbits, branded POLAr RElativity Satellites (POLARES) and reminiscent of an earlier proposal by Van Patten and Everitt in the mid-1970s, is considered. A comparison with the ongoing experiment with the LAser GEOdynamics Satellite (LAGEOS) and LAser RElativity Satellite (LARES) 2 is made.