Journal of Client-centered Nursing Care (Jan 2019)

The Relationship Between Knowledge About Coronary Heart Diseases Risk Factors and Health-promoting Lifestyle

  • Marhamat Farahaninia,
  • Sakineh Tarvirdinasab,
  • Zahra Ahmadi,
  • Mahboobeh Rasouli

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 43 – 52


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Background: Patients with coronary heart diseases need knowledge aboutshould know the risk factors of the disease to manage their illnesses. The aim of This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between knowledge about of coronary heart diseases risk factors and health-promoting lifestyle in adults living in Tabriz City. Methods: This descriptive correlational study was performed conducted on 346 adults above older than 18 years old that were selected by convenience sampling method from public places in Tabriz. The study Data data were collected by a demographic characteristics form, Heart Disease Fact Questionnaire (HDFQ) and Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP) and. Then the obtained data were analyzed by analysis of variance, the Iindependent t-test, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and linear regression analysis using in SPSS V. 22. Results: The knowledge of 57.51% of the participants about coronary heart disease risk factors was goodacceptable. Their Mean±SD score of health- promoting lifestyle was 136.30‌±21.15‌ (in at a moderate level). Spiritual growth dimension (M=26.8) and exercise and physical activity dimension (M=16.54) had the highest and lowest mean scores, respectively. The results also showed that there is a significant relationship between knowledge of coronary heart diseases risk factors and health-promoting lifestyle (P<0.001). There was a significant relationship between the knowledge of coronary heart disease risk factors with and variables of age, marital status, occupational status, economic status, history of diabetes, and lipid profile (P<0.05); but However, health-promoting lifestyle was only associated with history of diabetes (P=0.03). Conclusion: Performing Educational interventions at different levels of prevention could be suggested to increase the knowledge of these patients about the risk factors of coronary heart disease and hopefully in hope of promoting their people’s lifestyle.
