Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Jul 2011)
資訊素養融入國小一年級「校園生物大搜索」主題探究: 以Super3 模式為例 Integrating Information Literacy into First-Grade Inquiry Learning: An Example of Creature Investigation on Campus Using the Super3 Model
本研究旨在利用Super3模式將資訊素養融入國小一年級生活領域中的「校園生物大搜索」課程,以探討學生的資訊素養學習表現,以及在此融入課程中學科內容的低層次與高層次學習表現;此外,本研究也統整授課老師對於此課程的看法。此融入課程是依照Super3資訊素養模式設計,從計畫階段的問題定義開始,進入找尋資料的執行階段,最後以自我評量反省為終了。整個研究進行一個月,以參與觀察、訪談、測驗與文件分析等多元方法蒐集資料。研究結果發現經由Supr3模式可將資訊素養融入相關課程中,學生在提問、海報創作與反省上均表現不錯,但在口頭報告上則仍待改進。學生在自然與生活科技學習單元的低層次與高層次學習表現皆有顯著的進步,老師則對此課程表達了兩項意見。最後本研究提出四項仍待釐清的議題,包括Super3模式的調整、提問性質的影響、評量規準的執行,及體驗反省單的設計等。The purpose of this study was to investigate the students’ performance of information literacy and subject contents on an integrated information literacy instruction in the first-grade science curriculum. The curriculum was designed based on the Super3 model which includes plan, do and review phases. The study lasted for one month, and data was gathered through participant observation, interviews, test, and document analysis. The results showed that information literacy could be integrated into lower-grade science curriculum using the Super3 model. The students performed well on posing questions, creating posters, and reflection; however, oral presentation needed to be improved. First-grade students’ science learning both on memory and comprehension was significantly different through inquiry learning. The teachers expressed two opinions about this instruction. At last, a couple of issues were posed for further clarification, such as revision of the Super3 model, types of posing questions, execution of rubrics, and design of reflection worksheets.