Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия: Серия Химия. Биология. Экология (Dec 2022)
Solid-phase sorbents based on synthetic nanofibers and glauconite for extracting magneson I from aqueous media
A comparative evaluation of the sorption capacity of synthetic and natural sorbents with respect to phenol and some of its derivatives has been carried out. Electrospun nanofi bers based on polyamide-6 (PA-6) were obtained under optimal conditions from a spinning solution of a polymer dissolved in a mixture of formic and acetic acids. The preparation of the clay mineral by the sieve method has been carried out, while the enriched fraction of glauconite (200–500 microns) has been isolated. The morphology of unmodifi ed nanofi bers, as well as glauconite, has been studied by scanning electron microscopy. Preliminary experiments showed low effi ciency of sorption of phenol and some of its nitro- and chlorine derivatives by the sorbents used in this work. To improve the sorption characteristics, the method of derivatization of initialanalytes by diazotization and azo coupling reactions has been used. The concentrations of magneson I (nitrophenylazo-derivative of resorcinol) have been determined spectrophotometrically using a calibration dependence in the range of magneson I molar concentrations from 3·10-6 to 2·10-5 mol/l. The sorption capacity of glauconite from the Saratov region (Beloozerskoye deposit) and synthetic nanofi bers based on PA-6 with respect to magneson I has been studied. The eff ect of pH on the sorption effi ciency of magnezone I by glauconite and nanofi bers based on PA-6 has been evaluated, in addition, the extraction coeffi cients of magnezone I by these sorbents have been calculated, which were in the range of 88–100% at optimal pH (≈3–6). The experiments performed on a model compound, magnesone I, led to the conclusion about the potential possibility of using glauconite from the Beloozerskoye deposit in the Saratov region and nanofi bers based on polyamide-6 for the extraction of phenols in the form of their azo derivatives from various waters.