IEEE Access (Jan 2020)
Sparse Autoencoder Based Manifold Analyzer Model of Multi-Angle Target Feature
Automatic target recognition (ATR) has always been an important research topic, and the performance is affected by feature extraction. High-resolution range profiles (HRRP) contains structural information of target from different angles. Existing target recognition algorithms are mostly adopt the supervised learning and verify the validity through classification accuracy. However, these methods cannot satisfy the information acquisition such as correlation, composition analysis and attitude analysis of unlabeled or uncoordinated targets. Therefore, we are committed to researching new intelligent feature extraction and analysis method. In this article, a novel learning framework is proposed to realize the angle correlation feature extraction and feature analysis of multi-angle HRRP targets. A multi-layer sparse autoencoder is applied to extract HRRP features and the extracted features are mapped to the low-dimensional space by manifold learning method to find the correlation distribution of HRRP data. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated by experiments with simulated and measured data. The experimental results show that the framework realizes the extraction of angle-invariant features, and the analysis of distribution relationship between HRRP data and angles. The research results of the correspondence between the assembly and the related geometry provide the basis and possibility for further identification and composition determination.