Guoji Yanke Zazhi (Sep 2020)
Ocular surface diseases related to Demodex and their diagnosis and treatment
Ocular Demodex infection is mainly manifested as ocular surface diseases, including meibomian gland dysfunction, dry eye disease, Demodex blepharitis, chalazion, keratoconjunctivitis, etc. The diagnosis is relatively simple and can be realized under the microscope, but it is easy to be misdiagnosed due to the subjective and objective factors such as similar symptoms, missing examination, experience diagnosis and treatment. There are many treatment methods for ocular Demodex infection, including external tea tree oil and other plant extracts, oral or external drugs, physical therapy(represented by strong pulse light therapy, moxibustion therapy), combined therapy, etc. In this paper, we reviewed the diagnosis and treatment of Demodex related ocular surface diseases, and discussed the latest research trends of this disease.