Педиатрическая фармакология (Feb 2019)
Comparative Evaluation of the Treatment Efficacy and Safety of TNFα and IL12/23 Inhibitors in Children With Psoriasis
Background. Therapy of psoriasis in children is an urgent problem of dermatology and paediatrics. The present-day knowledge of the disease pathogenesis defines the focus of therapeutic interventions causing rapid relief of disease symptoms, prevention of complications and the achievement of a complete skin resurfacing from psoriatic lesions as well as long-term retention of the effect. These requirements are largely met by therapy with genetically engineered biological drugs. Our aim was to study the clinical efficacy and safety of treating children suffering from moderate and severe psoriasis with genetically engineered biological drugs. Patients and Methods. The study included children with moderate and severe psoriasis. Four groups were formed: in the first and second groups, the children were treated with ustekinumab and etanercept, respectively, without prior methotrexate, in the third group — with ustekinumab after methotrexate, in the fourth group — with etanercept after methotrexate. The efficacy of therapy with ustekinumab and etanercept was evaluated using the PASI and CDLQI indices, their impact on the quality of life of patients was studied, the adverse events were registered. Results. The study involved 98 children aged from 6 to 17 years: 23 children in the first group, 26 — in the second group, 24 — in the third group, and 25 — in the fourth group. The arithmetic mean of the PASI index during the initial examination ranged from 23.7 ± 1.27 in patients of the second group to 31.9 ± 1.68 in the first group. The minimum value of the index was 10.5, the maximum one — 58.5. The CDLQI index at the first visit ranged from 14.8 ± 0.95 in patients of the fourth group to 17.0 ± 0.99 in the first group, which showed no statistically significant differences. Conclusion. Genetically engineered biological therapy with ustekinumab and etanercept is an effective and safe method for treating moderate and severe psoriasis in childhood, but ustekinumab compared to etanercept leads to a more pronounced decrease in the PASI index.Nikolay N. Murashkin — receiving research funding from pharmaceutical companies Jansen, Eli Lilly. Receiving fees for scientific advice from Galderma, Pierre Fabre, Bayer, Astellas, Libriderm.Eduard T. Ambarchian — receiving research funding from pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly. Receiving fees for scientific advice from Jansen, Libriderm.