Известия Саратовского университета: Новая серия. Серия Философия. Психология. Педагогика (Jun 2022)

Child-adult community as a resource for raising children with special problems

  • Shustova, Inna Yurievna,
  • Zhimaeva, Ekaterina Mikhailovna

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 2
pp. 229 – 233


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Introduction. Currently, the inclusion of children with any developmental disabilities in society is a priority direction of state policy in relation to these children. In the article, the child-adult community is considered as a resource for educating schoolchildren with special problems (deviant behavior, limited health opportunities). The purpose of the article is to reveal the educational potential of the child-adult community, its possibilities for the upbringing and development of children with special diffi culties. Theoretical analysis. The article describes the reasons for the emergence of a community and its main characteristics. The formation of a child-adult community, of which a special child becomes a member, requires additional skills and abilities from the teacher: the ability not only to understand the diffi culties of the child, but also to look for ways to overcome them; the formation in students, including children with special problems, a positive emotional attitude to school, their class and learning; the teacher’s ability to unite children around interesting and signifi cant socio-cultural activities; the teacher’s ability to build any joint activity in the classroom through value-semantic positional interaction. Conclusions. The signifi cance of the proposed approach in revealing the potential of the child-adult community in the development of the special child personality is defi ned. It is in this community where a valuable experience of communication and activity of all participants in educational relations is formed.
