Majallah-i Zanān, Māmā̓ī va Nāzā̓ī-i Īrān (Dec 2020)
Case Report: Black Widow Spider Bites in a Pregnant Woman
Introduction: The black widow spider is known in the Mediterranean region as L.tredecimguttatus species that in Khorasan is known with its local name as “Dalmak”. The venom of this spider contains excitatory neurotoxins called alpha-latroteins. Black widow spider bite cases are rare during pregnancy, and few studies have been performed in this regard, the symptoms of a bite during pregnancy are not different from those of non-pregnant women, and causing acute fetal complications are unlikely. In this study, a case of a black widow spider bite was reported in a pregnant woman. Case presentation: The reported case is a 29-year-old woman (Gravid 2(with 6-week gestational age who was unaware of her pregnancy and complained of abdominal pain and right lower extremity burning from the night before referring to Ghaem Hospital Emergency Department, Mashhad. The patient was examined, and after rule out of the possibility of ectopic pregnancy and other differential diagnoses, the patient was treated with maintenance therapy with the diagnosis of black widow spider bites, and after two days of hospitalization, she was discharged with good general condition, good vital signs and complete relief of abdominal pain. Conclusion: Black widow spider bites can mimic symptoms similar to acute abdominal surgery, ectopic pregnancy, or other diagnoses, In the early months of pregnancy, it can be very difficult to diagnose the cause of the symptoms. In addition, black widow spider bites during pregnancy can mimic the symptoms of cholecystitis or appendicitis, which can be diagnosed by careful examination of the patient and obtaining a proper history.