Proceedings of the XXth Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT (Apr 2016)
Performance evaluation of smart-M3 applications: A SmartRoom case study
Smart spaces support development of advanced service-oriented applications that introduce intelligence into Internet of Things environments. Current development meets the performance challenge, since the intelligence is achieved by the cost of performance. In this paper, we experimentally study a representative application for smart spaces - the SmartRoom system. It assists humans in such collaborative work activity as conferences, meetings, and seminars. Using the existing software Smart-M3-based implementation, we evaluate the performance of the three important components of service construction and delivery within a localized IoT environment of the room: (1) construction of the core SmartRoom services, (2) access of personal mobile devices to the system for delivering services, and (3) use of services composed with external Internet services. Our experiments confirm the Smart-M3 applicability. Even in the settings of a restricted-capacity IoT environment, the performance is suitable for practical purpose. The evaluated system components are common, and our experimental conclusions provide performance bounds convenient for a wide class of Smart-M3 applications.