Indian Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine KLEU (Jan 2021)

Role of ayurveda in the management of female infertility due to poly cystic ovarian syndrome with a history of bilateral ectopic pregnancy, right sided salpingectomy, and left sided hydrosalpinx: A clinical case report

  • Bharathi Dattaram Anvekar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 33 – 39


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Poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fallopian tubal blockage, and repeated spontaneous abortions are some of the causes of female infertility. Hormonal treatment or drilling of ovaries, microsurgery of fallopian tubes, and in vitro fertilization are the accepted standard treatment procedures. In Ayurveda, the condition is correlated with named as Vandhyatva. Acharyas have described the causes as Garbhasrava, Beeja Dushti, and Mithya Ahara Vihara. Here, we report a case of infertility secondary to PCOS with a surgical history of emergency laparoscopic right-sided salpingectomy for ectopic pregnancy. Methotrixate administration for left side ectopic pregnancy, consequently for second time and left-sided hydrosalpinx. The case was treated as per the classical reference which includes virechana karma, kala basthi, marsha nasya karma, and Uttara basthi karma. Music therapy, rasayana chikitsa, and yoga were incorporated as adjuvant therapy to achieve shuddha garbha sambhava samagri (pure factors of fertilization and conception). Adopted treatment plan has given good result with successful intrauterine pregnancy and birth of healthy female baby through cesarean section.
