Scientific Journal of Astana IT University (Oct 2021)
The purpose of this article is to study one of the methods of social networks analysis – text sentiment analysis. Today, social media has become a big data base that social network analysis is used for various purposes – from setting up targeted advertising for a cosmetics store to preventing riots at the state level. There are various methods for analyzing social networks such as graph method, text sentiment analysis, audio, and video object analysis. Among them, sentiment analysis is widely used for political, social, consumer research, and also for cybersecurity. Since the analysis of the sentiment of the text involves the analysis of the emotional opinions expressed in the text, the first step is to define the term opinion. An opinion can be simple, that is, a positive, negative or neutral emotion towards a particular object or its aspect. Comparison is also an opinion, but devoid of emotional connotation. To work with simple opinions, the first task of text sentiment analysis is to classify the text. There are three levels of classifications: classification at the text level, at the level of a sentence, and at the aspect level of the object. After classifying the text at the desired level, the next task is to extract structured data from unstructured information. The problem can be solved using the five-tuple method. One of the important elements of a tuple is the aspect in which an opinion is usually expressed. Next, aspect-based sentiment analysis is applied, which involves identifying aspects of the desired object and assessing the polarity of mood for each aspect. This task is divided into two sub-tasks such as aspect extraction and aspect classification. Sentiment analysis has limitations such as the definition of sarcasm and difficulty of working with abbreviated words.