Influence of varroosic invasion on wintering of bee colonies
Beekeeping belongs to one of the most useful and environmentally friendly traditional economic activities in many countries of the world. This industry provides the population with valuable products, in particular honey – one of the most useful foods that is characterized by therapeutic, bactericidal and dietary properties. Recently, considerable economic damage to the area causes the invasive disease varroosis, which leads to the weakening of the bee colonies, the ability of bees to honey harvest and pollination, sometimes – to their death. The aim of the work was to study the effect of varroosic causative Varroa destructor agent on the wintering of bee colonies. The experimental determination of the degree of life affected bee colonies after wintering varroosic agent for various extensiveness of invasion – weaker (5.30 ± 0.79%), average (15.10 ± 0.75%), severe (32.30 ± 2.42%) The main indicators hardiness of bee colonies in the presence of the parasite were – pidmoru weight, the number of ticks in pidmori, the quantity of food in the hive at different periods of hibernation, the percentage of deaths of bee colonies. It has been established that the varroosis negatively affects the course of wintering of bees. Moreover, the quantitative indicators of winter resistance of families depended on the extensiveness of the invasion. At a low intensity of the invasion, the weight of the dormancy of bees after wintering on average was 59.80 ± 3.34 g, which is 1.2 times (P < 0.01) more compared to healthy families. At the same time, 2.0 mice were detected in the dungeon. With an increase in the secretion of bees, the number of dungeons and the number of detected parasites increased significantly. The average length of the invasion showed that the weight of the dormancy of bees was 5.3 times higher (P < 0.001) compared with healthy families, and the number of ticks found in dampness was 66.4. Due to the high intensity of the invasion, the weight of the bee dormancy was 1369.10 ± 49.72 g, which is 28.4 times (P < 0.001) more compared to healthy families. The number of detected ticks at such an extensiveness of the invasion amounted to 2,818.3. It has been determined that with the increase of secretion in the process of wintering, bees consumed more food, and this negatively affected their winter resistance. At the same time, due to the strong extensiveness of the invasion, the death of bee-eaters after wintering was 80%.