Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Jan 2013)
Regeneration of agricultural brownfields in the Czech Republic – Case study of the South Moravian Region
The paper deals with the regeneration of agricultural brownfields in the Czech Republic. The first part of paper introduces the issue and the most important results of the previous scientific researches. The second part describes the goal of paper and methodology of own research activities. The third part brings own analysis of the Czechinvest Agency dataset of the non-regenerated agricultural brownfields collected in period 2005–2007 updated for the case study area of the South Moravian Region according the dataset of the Regional Development Agency of the South Moravia (2010). The forth part pays attention to origin and potential location of agricultural brownfields in the South Moravian Region – the issue is demonstrated by using of the selected indicators showing decrease of agricultural production in this region. The fifth part brings the more detailed analysis of non-regenerated agricultural brownfields for the South Moravian Region. The six parts describes the selected examples of the regenerated agricultural brownfields. The final part contains discussion of main results and brings some recommendations which could be useful and inspiring for the different groups of stakeholders (e.g. owners, investors, representatives of public administration etc.) who are involved in process of the regeneration of agricultural brownfields.