Клінічна та профілактична медицина (May 2020)
It has long been known that complications of essential hypertension are associated mostly with disorders of blood coagulation system and degree of absolute risk of cardiovascular events is growing with increasing of age. That is why much attention is paid to more detailed study of mechanisms of thrombosis as the component of complications of essential hypertension through lens of hemostatic changes at present. Therefore, regulatory mechanisms of initiation of thrombus formation and participation of platelet hemostasis are studied in hypertensive patients insufficiently today. The aim of the study was to identify the baseline levels of the platelet hemostasis indices in the middle-aged and the elderly hypertensive patients. Material and methods. We performed the comparative assessment of status of the platelet hemostasis in 63 middle-aged (group I) and 53 elderly patients (group II) respectively to clarify this issue in our work. Patients of the surveyed groups were comparable in age, sex and related pathology. The control group consisted of 15 patients for every of the surveyed groups (group III the middle-aged and group IV the elderly respectively) matched with basic by age and gender. Conclusions. Therefore, there is the increase in platelet activity depending on age in the middle-aged and the elderly hypertensive patients that is manifested by adrenaline stimulation most clearly. In addition, the most significant changes are determined in the spontaneous and the adrenaline-induced aggregation namely in amplitude and slope of aggregation in the spontaneous and time of maximal aggregation in the adrenaline-induced aggregation in the patients of older age group compared with the middle-aged patients. The substantial deceleration of time of maximal aggregation during the adrenaline stimulated aggregation in 1,6 times (p<0,001) in the elderly patients confirms the expressed thrombogenicity and sensitiveness to neurohumoral influences too. Thus, the blood plasma thrombogenicity revealed in the study of the platelet hemostasis in the elderly indicates a high probability of thrombotic complications developing in this category of the patients and this is consistent with literature.