Ученые записки Казанского университета: Серия Гуманитарные науки (Apr 2024)
The Word Family with the Headword <i>Tutor</i> in the Modern Russian Language
This article provides a detailed description of the family of lexemes derived from the headword tutor (‘t’yutor’) that are commonly used to refer to people, features, actions, processes, or phenomena in the current education landscape of Russia. Such new words have become increasingly popular, yet poorly covered in lexicographical sources on the Russian language. Here, the analysis is based on available dictionary entries, the Russian National Corpus, academic publications on educational practices, and mass media texts. The semantics and functioning of the headword tutor were established. Its high derivational, combinability, and syntagmatic potentials were revealed. The methods used include continuous sampling, analysis of dictionary entries, and descriptive survey. Based on the results obtained, the word-formation chains and paradigms were identified. Furthermore, the derivational meanings and the ways to create neologisms with the headword tutor were outlined.