Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław (Jul 2024)
Wyciągnąć kręgosłup czy wydłużyć kręgosłup? O językowych eksponentach wiedzy specjalistycznej w instrukcjach jogi akademickiej
The considerations presented in this paper aim to characterize the specialized instructions formulated during academic yoga training from the perspective of the anthropocentric theory of human languages. This goes hand in hand with the fact that the linguistic manifestation of the specialized knowledge of yoga teachers as well as the determination of areas of the specialist knowledge evoked during training are viewed as research objects. The focus of the explanations presented in this paper is therefore on the following research questions: 1. How do the instructions during an academic yoga training achieve the status of specialist communication with the participants? 2. What knowledge resources about yoga positions necessary to perform a movement can be activated during an academic yoga training? The level of specialization and the specialized language are considered characteristics of instructions in academic yoga training. Therefore, they are reference points according to which concrete examples of instructions are specified in order to recognize the intention and motivation underlying the linguistic actions of yoga teachers. The indicators of specialization and specialized language like terminology, function of instructions leads to the general characteristics of the professional language – the professiolect of yoga teachers and formulation of research desiderata. The identification of terms and quasi-terms as elements of specialist communication between yoga participants and teachers, however, makes it possible to determine if their use in the pecialist-non-specialist communication structure is legitimate.