Proceedings (Apr 2024)
Study Through Memes: Using Memes as a Teaching Tool in Anatomy
Introduction: The popularity of internet memes these days, especially amongst young generation raises a question, whether memes can be used for enhancing interest and learning of students in lectures or not? This study shows the effectiveness of memes as a teaching tool in Anatomy subject. Aims and Objectives: To determine the effects of using memes as a teaching tool in order to enhance interest and understanding of students. Place and Duration of study: The study was conducted at Akhtar Saeed Medical and Dental College over 6 months duration between June to December 2023 Material and Methods: A group of 100 students was selected and divided into two groups. Both groups were taught using traditional method. A pre-experiment test related to musculoskeletal system was conducted. Then in revision classes the experimental group reinforced the concepts through power points presentations in which the memes were incorporated. A post experiment test of anatomy was taken from both groups A self-constructed survey was also conducted to register the students’ experience regarding memes. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 27 paired T-test, for comparison of means in both groups pre and post experimental test scores . P value ? 0.05 was considered as significant. Results: Results of the test taken before the experiment showed that students of both control and experimental group had equal level of understanding of the topic p value ? .217, but the results of the pre and post experimental test of the experimental group showed significant difference. (P value ? 0.018) signifying their improved understanding of concepts. The survey results showed that memes can be used as a vector to enhance students’ participation, interest, attention span and ability to memorize concepts. Conclusion: Memes are an effective tool for teaching anatomy. Similar research can be done in other subjects too.