Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición (Dec 2006)
Tendência secular do crescimento em adolescentes do sexo masculino: ganho estatural e ponderal, estado nutricional e sua relação com a escolaridade Secular trends in growth male adolescents: height and ponderal gains, nutritional state and relation with the education.
Objetivou-se caracterizar as modificações do estado nutricional dos adolescentes ao longo do tempo, a evolução do seu crescimento, a escolaridade e sua correlação com a estatura, o peso e o índice de massa corporal. Avaliou-se dados de 2616 adolescentes do sexo masculino com idade entre 17 e 19 anos, que se alistaram no Tiro de Guerra do município de Viçosa-Minas Gerais - Brasil, no decênio 1995-2004. Foi encontrada tendência secular positiva para estatura e peso com incremento mediano de 4 cm e 3 kg, respectivamente, ao longo dos anos. Houve redução nas prevalências de baixa estatura de 28,0% para 11,6% entre os anos de 1995 e 2004. Constatou-se correlação positiva (pThis work aimed at characterizing the modifications in adolescentsnutritional status, growth evolution and education along time and the correlation with the height, weight and body mass index. Data came from 2616 male adolescents soldiers between 17 and 19 years old enlisted for Armed Services in the city of Viçosa-Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 1995 and 2004. There was a positive secular trend for height and weight, with a 4cm and 3kg median increment, respectively, along time. There was a reduction from 28.0% to 11.6% on the prevalence of short stature in the period. It was estimated positive correlation (p<0,05) between education and stature, weight and BMI. The prevalence of weight excess (risk of overweight and overweight) increased from 7.1% (1995) to 9.1% (2004). Although it was observed positive secular trend for stature and weight, it was not sufficient to reach the median of the National Center for Health Statistics/Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Weight excess and short stature prevalence must be monitored, being necessary the implementation of measures that focus to prevent these disturbance and aim at reaching or maintaining an adequate nutritional state for future generations.