Çanakkale Araştırmaları Türk Yıllığı (Apr 2008)
Biga Yarımadası'nda Asimetrik Havza Gelişimi ve Yapı İlişkisine Bir Örnek: Yapıldak Dere Havzası
In the east of the Strait of Çanakkale, the dominant direction of which is SW-NE with some lineation-caused bends, river basins have developed on various of lithological features giving rise to selective erosion. In these basins, lithological diversity became effective on basin forms and dreinage development. This condition becomes clear by different dreinage formation on Sarmasien sedimantary formations along the eastern part of Strait of Çanakkale and volcanic and methamorphic formation at interior parts of the Biga Peninsula. In addition, the river valleys, which are perpendicular to the Strait of Çanakkale, exhibit parallel pattern with fracture systems. In addition to the perpendicular valleys of Sarıçay and Kepez Rivers, Yapıldak Creek basin can be added with its linear valley form and asymetrical basin form particularly to these valleys. In this paper, Yapıldak Creek Basin is evaluated in terms of basin development. As result, It is comprehended that structural features are effective on many ways, such as basin geometry, morphometry of erosional surface systems, basin development direction, dreinage formation and arrangement, capture, dissection degrees etc...