EIRP Proceedings (Jun 2009)
The Evolution of Romanian Transport within the East European Transport
Transport services can be considered as being an active part of economy in anycountry. If, until recently, they were considered to be non-productive activities, in the presentservices’ activities contribute substantially to the actualization of GDP. In present we cannottalk about economic activities without taking in account transport activities, either we thinkabout supply, or we have in sight the capitalization of producing material goods.Concomitantly it is necessary to have in view both, the transport of individuals and thetransport of goods. Beside their economic role transports also have a social function due to thesatisfaction of individuals’ possibilities regarding their movement. The evolution of Romaniantransport within the East European transport presents a desk research, and it offers an imageabout transport development in the East of Europe. Within the accomplished analysis therewill be distinguished the following: rail transport of passengers, goods’ transport by rail,goods’ transport by road, sea transport of goods, air transport of passengers and the airtransport of goods in different East European countries, emphasizing the evolution anddevelopment of transport in Romania compared to the evolution and development of transportfrom other countries.