Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Apr 2022)
The Effect Of Adding Tempeh Dregs And Moringa Leaves On Protein Content in Catfish Meatballs: An Alternative High-Protein Food For Underweight Children Under Five Years Old
Basic Health Research in 2018 revealed that 13.4% of children under five years old were underweight. Providing high-protein foods such as meatballs can be an alternative problem-solving. Several ingredients (vegetable and animal protein) can be added to enrich protein. This study aims to determine the effect of adding tempeh dregs, and Moringa leaves on the protein content in catfish meatballs. This study was an experimental study with a completely randomized design (CRD) which formulated catfish, tempeh dregs, and Moringa leaves into four treatments with four repetitions. The formula in making meatballs were catfish 100% in the P0 group, catfish 60% + tempeh dregs 30% + moringa leaves 10% in the P1 group, catfish 60% + tempeh dregs 20% + 20% Moringa leaves in the P2 group, and 100% catfish + 10% tempeh dregs + 30% Moringa leaves in the P3 group. Meanwhile, the observation parameter was protein content. The data collection technique was carried out by proximate analysis of protein content with the Kjeldahl method. Data analysis used normality and homogeneity test, ANOVA test, and Least Significant Difference. The ANOVA test obtained p=0.000 (p<0.05). Thus, there were significant differences in protein content in catfish meatballs between the control and the treatment group, except in P3. The Least Significant Difference Test showed that the highest protein content was 9.0975% in the treatment with the formula 60% catfish meat, 30% tempeh dregs, and 10% Moringa leaves. In conclusion, adding tempeh