Česká Stomatologie a Praktické Zubní Lékařství (Mar 2006)
Dental Caries from Osteological Material from Znojmo-Hradiště
The aim of this paper is to observe the caries development in humans from Znojmo-Hradiště. This investigation was performed on the osteological material (in possession of the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno), in deliberately selected probes, having fulfilled the following requirements: 1. According to the time period - the skulls came from of archaeologically determinable time period. 2. According to the sex - the skulls were divided into males and females. 3. According to the age - only group of adults and mature individuals were selected. 4. According to the dental type. The aim of this paper is to find out if there is a difference in caries incidence between two burial grounds from Znojmo-Hradiště.According to the time period the values of caries intensity and frequency in Znojmo-Hradiště were lower in medieval population. According to the sex the medieval women had slightly more decayed teeth than men, while in modern time period it was reversed. According to the age the caries intensity and frequency grow with age, being higher in modern population. According to the dental types the most decaying teeth were first and second molars in both samples from Znojmo-Hradiště. There were more decayed teeth from maxillas and from the right side in both kinds of samples.