Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika (Aug 2020)
Dental Amalgam Influence on the Amount of Absorbed Energy from Mobile Phone
The topic of the research presented in this paper is numerical calculation and analysis of the electric field and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) distributions in the vicinity of dental amalgam exposed to the radiation of mobile phone at the frequencies corresponding to 3G and 4G mobile networks. This is carried out by numerical solving of the electromagnetic propagation equation. The results related to different tissues and organs placed in the vicinity of dental amalgam and exposed to radiation are presented and analysed. In order to obtain the most accurate results, the realistic 3D model of human jaw has been created. A comparative analysis of models with and without dental amalgam has been carried out, with aim to determine the impact of amalgam on biological tissues in its vicinity. According to the obtained results, the maximum values of electric field strength and SAR are higher in the presence of dental amalgam. In both cases, maximum values are out of bounds of safety limits.