MedEdPORTAL (Mar 2012)
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Case-Based Lecture Series
Abstract The resource is an online case-based lecture that encompasses frequently seen inpatient scenarios on a pediatric hematology-oncology ward, specifically, fever and neutropenia, tumor lysis syndrome, nausea and vomiting, and acute chest syndrome. The content is aimed at those who rotate on this inpatient service, including first-year pediatric hematology-oncology fellows as well as pediatric, medicine-pediatric, and family-practice residents. Medical students rotating on the service could also review this resource with guidance from residents or fellows. While none of the cases should be viewed as an exhaustive discussion of the topic, an effort has been made to focus on areas of frequent discussion (and occasional controversy) among inpatient hematology-oncology providers. The format is ideal for self-study or for teaching from a more senior member of the team (resident or fellow) who has previously looked through the cases. The cases should be used as a supplement to instruction already occurring from fellows and attendings. The resource has been used for teaching pediatric residents who are on their overnight shift on the pediatric-oncology hematology inpatient service at Seattle Children's Hospital. Adjustments have been made to the resource to further cover areas of frequently asked questions. There has been an enthusiastic response to the format, and many of the residents and fourth-year medical students have requested that we continue with self-teaching. However, there has not been any attempt to confirm that this module improves learning outcomes.