Residência Pediátrica (Sep 2022)
Perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes pediátricos assistidos pelo programa de assistência domiciliar interdisciplinar de um hospital de referência no Rio de Janeiro
The Interdisciplinary Home Care Program of the Fernandes Figueira National Institute for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (INSMCA Fernandes Figueira/FIOCRUZ) - PADI IFF - is pioneer in public pediatric home care (HC) in the state of Rio de Janeiro. It promotes safe dehospitalization, provides continuity of care in a multidisciplinary, comprehensive and individualized way, humanizing the care of children with technology-dependent complex chronic health conditions. The clinical-epidemiological profile of the patients in the program was described, analyzing: gender, age, date of admission, origin, residence, diagnoses, number of previous admissions, dependence on technologies, length of hospital stay before discharge from the program, readmissions during the HC, and outcome of the HC. There was no gender predominance; most are infants and preschoolers, residents of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The maternity of origin of these children is the INSMCA Fernandes Figueira in 70% of the cases. Clinical conditions were mostly composed of respiratory disorders and 90% of the patients have diseases related to the perinatal period (congenital malformations, genetic disorders, prematurity disorders). Chronic conditions were responsible for long periods of hospitalization, many of them originating in the neonatal period. All are dependent on at least two types of medical technology, and 80% have more than one diagnosis. The use of ostomies prevailed, with gastrostomy being the main device. 80% of the patients were dependent on oxygen therapy and 50% used mechanical ventilation. After dehospitalization, 40% of the children were never readmitted and two were discharged from the program.