Revista de Psicologia da IMED (Aug 2020)
Professional Expectations of College Girls in Predominantly Male Areas: A Qualitative Analysis
There are still careers in which male predominance remain. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze the expectations of female students inserted in predominantly male careers. To carry out the study, a qualitative research was conducted in which 41 female students participated. We used a quiz script with 7 open questions that sought to explore the perception of barriers related to sex, motivations, expectations and challenges regarding the job market in the chosen career. The results indicated that the interviewees choose these careers for genuine interest but present the need to make greater efforts to have their work valued and express dissatisfaction with gender barriers such as harassment and prejudice. The existence of sexual division of tasks and the attribution to men of socially desirable characteristics such as rationality and competitiveness are discussed. The study is expected to serve as a source and concern for gender inequity in predominantly male areas, highlighting the existence of culturally rooted social issues and providing the basis for proposing change strategies.