Mathematics (Jul 2020)
Even Order Half-Linear Differential Equations with Regularly Varying Coefficients
We establish nonoscillation criterion for the even order half-linear differential equation (−1)nfn(t)Φx(n)(n)+∑l=1n(−1)n−lβn−lfn−l(t)Φx(n−l)(n−l)=0, where β0,β1,…,βn−1 are real numbers, n∈N, Φ(s)=sp−1sgns for s∈R, p∈(1,∞) and fn−l is a regularly varying (at infinity) function of the index α−lp for l=0,1,…,n and α∈R. This equation can be understood as a generalization of the even order Euler type half-linear differential equation. We obtain this Euler type equation by rewriting the equation above as follows: the terms fn(t) and fn−l(t) are replaced by the tα and tα−lp, respectively. Unlike in other texts dealing with the Euler type equation, in this article an approach based on the theory of regularly varying functions is used. We establish a nonoscillation criterion by utilizing the variational technique.