(Jan 2024)
The NF-κB-HE4 axis: A novel regulator of HE4 secretion in ovarian cancer
- Kyukwang Kim,
- Negar Khazan,
- Jamie L. McDowell,
- Cameron W. A. Snyder,
- John P. Miller,
- Rakesh K. Singh,
- Michelle E. Whittum,
- Rachael Turner,
- Richard G. Moore
- Kyukwang Kim
- Negar Khazan
- Jamie L. McDowell
- Cameron W. A. Snyder
- John P. Miller
- Rakesh K. Singh
- Michelle E. Whittum
- Rachael Turner
- Richard G. Moore
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19,
no. 12
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