Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Oct 2020)
Surface based cohesive behavior implementation for the strength analysis of glued-in threaded rods in Glulam
The paper presents the analysis of strength and stiffness of metric threaded steel rods glued in glulam obtained by using two different gluing methods. The first method is used when the threaded steel rod is glued into a groove larger than the rod’s diameter, while the second method is applied when the diameter of the groove is smaller than the diameter of the threaded steel rod. The steel rod is covered with glue before it is inserted into the smaller diameter groove. The first method investigates the 2-mm-thick glue-line, while the second method analyses the contact when the groove’s diameter is 2 mm smaller than the outer diameter of the rod. Epoxy-type resin is used for both gluing methods. Different gluing methods present different interactions between the steel rod and glulam which result in different failure modes. The second method presents a plastic failure between the steel rod and glulam caused by the local compression and shear of glulam. The presented studies are made using metric threaded steel rods of diameters M12 and M16. In total, 20 specimens are experimentally tested in tension-to-tension tests performed according to EN 26891. The interaction between glulam and glued steel rods is also investigated using the 3D finite element modelling. The results obtained using the proposed 3D finite element model with different contact conditions between steel and glulam and the failure criterion for timber shear are well in line with the experimental findings.