Diversitas Journal (Mar 2018)

Tourism and the environmental issue in the coastal zone of the State of Alagoas, Brazil / Turistificação e a questão ambiental na zona costeira do Estado de Alagoas, Brasil

  • Klévia Lima Delmiro,
  • Claudionor de Oliveira Silva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 1
pp. 66 – 75


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Tourism, a globalized capitalist activity, has been developing around the world. Due to its complexity and connection with several sectors of the economy, it is believed that tourist activities can stimulate other socioeconomic activities and thus contribute to the development of different types of regions in underdeveloped and developed countries. Based on this understanding, the government has been encouraging the expansion of tourism in the northeastern region of Brazil. The objective of this research was to analyze the possibilities of achieving sustainable development based on tourism, in the coastal zone of the state of Alagoas, based on a project or public policy that includes environmental education. The study adopted a predominantly theoretical approach, focused on the nature of capitalism and its relations with the economic exploitation of natural resources through tourism. Where appropriate, specific aspects of tourism were mentioned in the coastal zone of Alagoas, a territorial cut adopted at work. In the case of the state of Alagoas, it is verified that tourism has been expanding rapidly by its coastal zone, but that there are places more densely occupied than others. It is concluded that in spite of the use of the rhetoric of sustainable development, this part of the Alagoan territory has been touristified based on the growth model at any cost.
