Revija za Sociologiju (Jan 2022)
Experiences and Strategies of Women Affected by Street Homelessness in Zagreb
NGOs and those working with people experiencing homelessness often suggest that homelessness is less common among women than men, which is confirmed by the available statistics. The literature shows that women are particularly vulnerable in terms of pathways to homelessness, especially in the context of numerous structural and social barriers that affect women in society. Women's experiences of homelessness differ from men's, reflecting broader gender inequalities. Life on the street presents many dangers and constant challenges to meet basic needs. Using public spaces is particularly challenging for homeless women, both because of their homeless status and because they are women. Therefore, this paper aims to analyse women's experiences of street homelessness in Zagreb, show its specific features, and identify their strategies in situations permeated with various forms of exclusion. For this purpose, ten interviews with six women with experience of street homelessness in Zagreb were analysed, as well as field notes, which are part of a wider qualitative research project. The paper presents the experiences and challenges of life on the street, which include feelings of insecurity and fear, unmet health needs, violence and sexual harassment, exclusion from public spaces, and strategies related to hiding, finding a partner/grouping, and distancing from unwanted identities. The paper points to the importance of recognising the severity and scope of the problem of homelessness, especially female homelessness, and the necessity of further research that includes gender dimensions and specific features of the problem.