Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2021)

Analytical competence as a factor of effective functioning of informative-analytical centers

  • Lysenko Taras

Journal volume & issue
no. 62
pp. 122 – 135


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Problem setting. The work of governmental and non-governmental analytical centers and services as a collective subject of informative activity is directly connected with the activity of individual subjects which provides the search, monitoring, value, verification, and analytical-synthetic processing of the information at the system and systemic and continuous principles with the subsequent preparation of already produced information products to meet the needs of the customer or society as a whole. In view of this, in the focus of attention appears the problem of analytical competence as the quality characteristics of specialists-analyst.The aim of the article is the consideration of analytical competence (AC) as the quality of staff resource of governmental and non-governmental analytical centers which depends on the successful functioning of the latter. The methods of the research. In the article was used the systemic approach, formal-logical and sociological methods, the method of induction, deduction and structural-functional analysis. Scientific novelty. The attempt to consider the analytical competence in the out-educational context was made as to the important quality characteristics of staff resource which depends on providing effectiveness of functioning informative-analytical centers and services and is the result of longtime self-improvement of specialists-analyst during multiplan analytical work. Conclusions. It was confirmed the thesis that subjects of the informative relations are divided into two groups: individual (professional analysts, managers of high and middle ranks, members of social organizations, librarians, ITanalysts, and others), and collective (governmental and non-governmental centers, departments or services). It was emphasized, that based on the goals and tasks of informative-analytical centers and services, the notion «analytical competence» is the synonym to the notion "competence of informative analyst" and "informativeanalytical competence". It was proved the analytical competence is a dynamic integrative formation and is a multi-factors and poly-functional quality of individual subjects of the informative relations, which includes a set of general and special informative and analytical-synthetic competencies and also set of personal qualities which allows study it in the wider social-communicative aspect not like episode act but like an important function of a chain of the informative-analytical work and a factor of functioning of informative-analytical centers from which depends on the success and effectiveness latter.
