Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran (Dec 2021)
<p>Studi eksplorasi ketidakhadiran siswa rujukan Usaha Kesehatan Gigi Sekolah ke Puskesmas II Denpasar Utara<p></p> Exploratory study of the absence of School Dental Health Initiatives (UKGS) referral students to North Denpasar II Community Health Centre (Puskesmas)<p>
Pendahuluan: Hasil laporan UKGS Tahun 2019 di Puskesmas II Denpasar Utara sebanyak 10% dari total 660 siswa SD dirujuk untuk mendapatkan perawatan. Namun siswa SD yang memerlukan perawatan gigi tidak datang ke Puskesmas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan ketidakhadiran siswa SD rujukan UKGS ke Puskesmas II Denpasar Utara berdasarkan persepsi Ibu dan guru. Metode: Penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan studi eksplorasi pada SD di wilayah kerja Puskesmas II Denpasar Utara. Sebanyak 7 informan dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling terdiri dari ibu siswa rujukan UKGS, guru penanggung jawab serta petugas Puskesmas pemegang program UKGS. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis menggunakan metode tematik. Hasil: Persepsi ibu terhadap kegiatan UKGS dirasa sangat bermanfaat dalam mencegah kerusakan gigi anak. Kesehatan gigi dan mulut belum menjadi prioritas sehingga ibu tidak rutin melakukan kontrol periodik. Ibu lebih memilih datang ke praktek swasta dengan menggunakan asuransi karena di Puskesmas cenderung menunggu lama. Persepsi guru menganggap kegiatan UKGS memberikan manfaat walau dalam pelaksanaan rujukan UKGS tidak ada formulir khusus, petugas kesehatan hanya melakukan pencatatan yang berisi identitas siswa serta keterangan gigi berlubang atau persistensi. Simpulan: Penyakit gigi dan mulut belum menjadi prioritas orang tua dibandingkan penyakit lain. Orang tua lebih memilih datang ke praktek swasta dengan menggunakan asuransi karena di Puskesmas cenderung menunggu lama dan akses sulit. Guru menganggap kegiatan UKGS memberikan manfaat walau dalam pelaksanaannya tidak ada formulir khusus mengenai hasil rujukan UKGS. Hasil rujukan diberitahu secara langsung maupun melalui media komunikasi online kepada orang tua. Kata kunci: karies gigi; rujukan UKGS; ketidakhadiran siswa; Puskesmas ABSTRACT Introduction: The results of the 2019 School Dental Health Initiatives (UKGS) report at the North Denpasar II Community Health Centre (Puskesmas) were 10% of the total 660 elementary school students referred for treatment. However, elementary school students who need dental treatment do not follow the instruction. This study aimed to determine the reasons for the absence of UKGS referral elementary school students to Puskesmas II Denpasar Utara based on the perceptions of mothers and teachers. Methods: Qualitative research using an exploratory study approach in elementary schools in the working area of North Denpasar II Community Health Centre. A total of 7 informants were selected by purposive sampling method consisting of mothers of School Dental Health Initiatives referral students, teachers in charge and Community Health Centre officers holding School Dental Health Initiatives programs. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and analyzed using thematic methods. Result: Mother’s perception of School Dental Health Initiatives activities is considered helpful in preventing tooth decay in children. Oral health has not become a priority so that mothers do not routinely do periodic check-ups. Mothers prefer to come to private practice using insurance because of a long queuing period in the Community Health Centre. The teacher’s perception is that School Dental Health Initiatives activities provide benefits even though there is no particular form in the implementation of School Dental Health Initiatives referrals; health workers only make records by writing down student identities and information about cavities or persistence. Conclusions: Dental and oral diseases have not become a priority for parents compared to other diseases. Parents prefer to come to private practice using insurance because of a long queuing period in the Community Health Centre and difficult accessibility. Teachers consider School Dental Health Initiatives activities beneficial even though there is no special form regarding UKGS referral results in practice. Referral results are notified directly or through online media to parents. Keywords: dental caries; School Dental Health Initiatives; referral; student absence; Community Health Centre