Glottopol (Jul 2022)
Migration multiple et reconfiguration du répertoire sociolinguistique : le cas d’EANA d’un lycée professionnel industriel
Teaching French as a foreign language to non native speaker and newly arrived students (now EANA) schooled in an industrial vocational school, we observed that some of these students showed a distinctive characteristic in their learning of the French language. As a matter of fact, the EANA who had experienced multiple migration improved quickly in their learning of the variety of French used in the workshops during vocational education courses, while they did not seem to have any knowledge of standardized French, which is the variety of French used in general education courses. In an attempt to identify the factors at the origin of this differentiated progression in the learning of these two varieties of French, we conducted interviews resorting to the biographical approach with the EANA who had experienced multiple migration. Social insecurity, the prospect of getting a professional diploma confirming a degree of mastery of French and ensuring the obtaining of a professional training would be at the origin of this differentiated progression.