EIRP Proceedings (May 2019)
Scientific Orientation and Information about the Career
The present paper aims to present the way of assessing the opinions of the pupils in the terminal classes, which regarding the choosing the educational or professional route and substantiating the support measures in the analysis of the alternatives available to them. The method used in this research is the investigation based on the questionnaire. This is a qualitative approach in order to identify the students' school and professional orientation. The educational assessment that is supposed to be done in this study seeks to counsel and guide these students in order to make appropriate choices in choosing of the educational/professional paths by the investigated students. In this research, an opinion poll has been applied to the pupils in the terminal classes, which allows an overview of the school and professional orientation of these pupils. The evaluation and interpretation of the answers lead to highlighting of the school options that certify the personal interests of each student in relation with the choice of the educational/professional path. The study provides an opportunity for the school units to obtain information about the training and interests of the students. Depending on the analysis of the results obtained in terms of the opinion questionnaire, the school units must ensure the stimulation and valorization of the cognitive, aptitude and creativity potential necessary for the increase of the pupils' school performances. This study highlights the real need for a better correlation of the educational offer in the vocational and technical education with the students' aspirations and the labor market requirements.