Medičnì Perspektivi (Mar 2015)
Hygienic estimation of aqueous objects state in places of water use by population of Ukrainian Danube region.
The literature data and results of monitoring of the aqueous objects of Ukrainian Danube region on sanitary-microbiological, physical and chemical and sanitary-chemical indicators testify to adverse changes of their condition, especially in comparison with quality of the Danube water and the waters of the Danube lakes (Kagul, Kugurlyi, Yalpug, Katlabug, Kitay) and the lake Sasyk. High levels of inorganic nitrogen which strengthens eutrophication of reservoirs and degradation of the existing ecosystems are confirmation of antropogenicity of the pollutant sources. This may be considered as persistency of threat to sanitary-and-epidemiologic situation. It is necessary to carry out profound monitoring of water quality of the superficial reservoirs in the mentioned region to reveal anthropogenous pollution of chemical (pesticides, oil products, phenols, stable organic pollutants) and biological (conditional-pathogenic and pathogenic microflora) substances.