Scientific Reports (Sep 2024)
Robust quantitative X-ray phase diagnostic for carbon composite characterisation in the context of lightning induced risk
Abstract Getting complementary physical information from a single image acquisition is particularly valuable for materials analysis. Grating based X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging (XPCI) methods allow decoupling attenuation, phase and scattering information. However, the phase and scattering extraction processes can easily suffer from artefacts, which is detrimental to implement this imaging technique in societal applications. In this paper, we demonstrate that grating based XPCI can provide a robust phase measurement in complex materials such as damaged composites. The technique allows the phase to be analysed using a self-assessment method that first identifies the artefacts from the imaging setup, and then can be used as an indicator to interpret the signal from a material. We focus on carbon fibre reinforced polymers which we subjected to laboratory-controlled lightning strikes. We evidence that the combined information from phase and attenuation allow identifying the type of defect induced by the lightning current. The phase information is converted into relative mass density variation within the sample and depicts areas with a loss in density up to 40%. We ensure that these results are valid by comparing them with an X-ray attenuation contrast tomographic reconstruction.