Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición (Mar 2001)
<title language="eng">Relative effectiveness of iron bis-glycinate chelate (Ferrochel) and ferrous sulfate in the control of iron deficiency in pregnant women
Efectividad relativa del hierro bis-glicinato quelado (Ferrochel) y del sulfato ferroso en el control de la deficiencia de hierro en mujeres embarazadas. La efectividad relativa de la suplementación diaria con sulfato ferroso (FeSO4) o con hierro aminoquelado (Ferrochel, FeAAC) se estudió en 145 mujeres de menos de 20 semanas de embarazo distribuidas en dos grupos. Un grupo (71 mujeres) the suplementado con 15 mg de hierro por día provenientes de Ferrochel, y el otro (74 mujeres) con 40 mg de hierro por día provenientes de sulfato ferroso. Se efectuaron mediciones de hemoglobina, ferritina y saturación de trasferrina al ingreso al programa (The relative effectiveness of daily supplementation of iron deficiency during pregnancy using 15 mg/day of iron from iron-bis-glycinate chelate (71 pregnant women), or 40 mg iron from ferrous sulfate (74 pregnant women) was evaluated by measuring hemoglobin, transferrin saturation and serum ferritin, at the beginning of the study (<20 weeks of pregnancy) and at 20-30 weeks and 30-40 weeks thereafter. Ingestion for 13 weeks or more was considered adequate. Seventy three percent of the Ferrochel consuming group and 35% of the ferrous sulfate consuming group were considered to have taken the treatment adequately. The decrease in levels of all the measured parameters was significantly less pronounced in the group that consumed Ferrochel in spite of the lower treatment dose. Iron depletion was found in 30.8% of the women treated with Ferrochel and in 54.5% of the women than consumed ferrous sulfate. Of the factors responsible for non compliance taste was reported in 29.8% of the ferrous sulfate consumers and none in the groups that consumed Ferrochel. It is concluded that daily supplementation with Ferrochel was significantly more effective, in spite of the lower dose, than supplementation with ferrous sulfate.