Studia Iuridica Lublinensia (Dec 2023)
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and Japanese-Style Mediation
Just as Online Dispute Resolution is progressing in other countries around the world, the digitisation of Japanese-style mediation is also underway in Japan. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the ongoing digitalisation of Japanese-style mediation and to identify its challenges. In civil court proceedings, three distinct phases for the realisation of the system have been determined and are being systematically implemented. Mediation in domestic affairs is moving ahead to revise the system, and the realisation of its implementation is also in sight. The role of third parties in Japanese mediation differs significantly from that in Anglo-American law and elsewhere in that the role of the third party was more focused on the guardian role of the mediator than on the formation of an agreement between the parties. A characteristic feature of Japanese-style mediation is the emphasis on the role of the third-party guardian, who is the mediator. These characteristics of Japanese-style mediation are important factors to be taken into account when considering the digitalisation of mediation.