MedEdPORTAL (Dec 2014)

Podcast: Basics of Ankle Radiography

  • Claire Sandstrom

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10


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Abstract Introduction This enhanced podcast (narration to slides) explores the basics of ankle radiography, including standard views and positioning and normal ankle anatomy. The enhanced podcast format integrates visual and auditory learning into a portable and easily navigable product. Outside the classroom, learners can view the podcast as many times as necessary to feel comfortable with its content, including rewinding, or advancing to specific sections. This resource is intended for junior radiology residents, medical students, and non-radiology physicians. Methods The residents were sent the podcast 5 days prior to attending a conference on Ankle and Hindfoot Trauma, with instructions to download and view at least once, though they were encouraged to review as many times as desired to feel comfortable with the material. After attending the conference, they were asked to complete an anonymous survey, the results of which are summarized below. This publication includes the podcast, suggestions for facilitation, and a set of eight multiple-choice questions that can be administered either before and after, or only after, viewing the podcast to assess comprehension. Results Six of ten residents responded to the post-conference survey. Of the five who viewed the podcast, two were first-year radiology residents, and three had completed at least one year of residency. All five reported the level of the material to be “just right for where I am right now” and improved their ability to engage in the subsequent conference material. One resident specifically commented: “Very high quality material. The format ensures that I can replay until I get it, rather than having it fly over me high as would happen were the same material presented in a live conference…” Residents all reported an excellent (no issues) or good (minor issues) rating of the podcast format (i.e., slide layout, text size, image quality, annotations), audio quality (i.e., sound level, and narrative speed), and content (i.e., length, clarity, and accuracy). Discussion The podcast is designed to be small enough (15.4 MB) that it could be distributed as an email attachment, posted in a location to be downloaded, or played online. In order to attain the smaller file size, some degree of image quality might be sacrificed, but when polled residents favored (4:2) a smaller file over a larger one containing higher quality images that they would have to download from a website.
