Pražské Egyptologické Studie (Jun 2016)
Objeví se další lufaa? (Jaro 2015 v šachtových hrobkách v Abúsíru) // Will another Iufaa appear? (Spring 2015 in the are a of the shaft tombs at Abusir)
During the spring season of 2015, the study of the texts and relief decoration in the large Late Period shaft tombs in the western part of the Abusir necropolis continued. At the same time, several trial trenches were dug in the area of another large shaft tomb situated to the northeast of the structure of Udjahorresnet. Here, two corners of the original foundation trench were unearthed, as well as the mouth of a lateral shaft (situated in the axis of the southern side of the tomb). The superstructure of the tomb was almost totally destroyed by the later quarrying of stone. ln the debris, almost no finds were uncovered, except for three statue bases made of limestone.