Rare Tumors (Jul 2011)
A pure microcytic bladder carcinoma synchronous to prostatic adenocarcinoma.
Small cell carcinoma (SCC) or microcytic carcinoma of the urinary bladder is a rare entity comprising approximately 0.5% of all bladder tumors. Due to its rarity, no prospective studies evaluating the most effective treatment have been published in the medical literature. Several cases of bladder SCC have been presented so far. We describe our case report and we revise the recent literature. Our patient was diagnosed with pure bladder SCC and prostatic adenocarcinoma. After the initial and complete transurethral resection of the bladder tumour (TUR-BT), he underwent a thorax and mediastinum computer tomography (CT) examination to exclude primary pulmonary small cell carcinoma and a bone scan scintigraphy for staging purposes. He received a three 14-day cycles of Cisplatin-containing chemo - therapeutic schema and a single dose of Luteinizing-Hormone Releasing hormone (LHRH) analogue injection after 14 days of bicalutamide administration. The patient is followed for 24 months without any signs of bladder SCC recurrence or biochemical or local relapse from prostatic adenocarcinoma.