Reciklaža i Održivi Razvoj (Jan 2014)
Sustainable development of 'Palić' nature park: Wish or reality
'Palić Nature Park' with his natural and created values represents the area of realization of many activities including tourism. It is area that has many specifics but due to many years of exploitation its existence is threatened. The aim of this paper is to show the state of the environment with the primary separation of the natural features of the area. The paper can be conditionally divided into four parts. The first part of the paper refers to general characteristics of the area (geographic location, geomorphological, hyidrological, climatic and biogeographic characteristics). The second part refers to characteristics of the Palić Lake and values of the surrunding landscape. Third part includes protection and management of protected area (laws, jurisdiction and instruments). Finally last part treats tourism as service activity which except positive, may lead to numerous negative implications for the environment and ecosystem stability.